Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Super Sweet 13

Today I'm reviewing the book " Super Sweet 13". This cool book is about a girl who is is go to have the best super sweet 13 party. Well it's not going to be as perfect as she thinks it will. With her parents inviting her enemies, her maybe-missing guests, favor mix-ups, and feuding friends she thinks her party going in the other direction. Will her party be the party of the year or the disaster of the year? Find out when you read "Super Sweet 13"!!! Bye!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I Got the Best Gifts Ever!!!

I got so many gifts that I loved. In my class we had Secret Santa and I got nail polish with one of my favorite books in my favorite series. From my family I got the newest Monopoly, clothes, shoes, slippers, bike, Cooking Mama 3, Camping Mama, the cutest Mini Mouse watch attached to charms, cupcake maker, cake, cookie, and cupcake icing tools, and cotton candy machine. Oh, I forgot today my cousin Vanessa sent me the cutest peace-sign purse and her dad( my uncle) sent me a $50 check. Thanks to my family and friends I had the best Christmas ever and nobody can take that away. I hope all of you had a merry Christmas and you got all the presents you wanted.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Good Bye 2011!!!

Hey everyone!!! This is one of my last posts of 2011. It seems like the whole year went as fast as one day. I just want to thank all my followers for supporting my blogger and always commenting. I couldn't have done all this without anyone who wants to read my boring-to-exciting posts.You didn't have to read or comment. I wish I could give you all Christmas presents. I'm sorry that I sound a little too over-exaggerated, but I do mean all the things I just said. Anyway I just want to say one more thing. When you make your last comments please comment on this blog post. I'm begging(I must sound so desperate). Oh, one more thing! Bye!!!!!! Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!!!!!

My Special Wish List

There are so many things I want for Christmas, I have to write everthing down. I just have to say one thing, though. If any of my visitors or followers think I'm crazy for the wish list I make, I am crazy. Okay here are the things I want.
  1. I-Pad 3
  2. Nook Tablet
  3. Cotton Candy Machine( please buy with hard candy)
  4. Black Boots
  5. Crafting Mama( DS Game)
  6. I-Phone 4S
  7. The whole Poison Apple Series
  8. The whole Candy Apple Series
  9. Jewelry
  10. World peace
These are all the gifts I want, but I don't think you'll give me any. Well bye!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Wednesday, December 14, 2011

    My Favorite Restaurant

    My favorite restaurant is Red Lobsters and Apple Bees. I like Red Lobster because of of the delicious seafood and spicy chicken wings. I also like this restaurant because they have live lobsters to watch. I like Apple Bees because of their delicious hamburgers with french Fries. I also like their shrimp kabbobs!!!  Finally, I love both restaurants because they have the best steaks and shrimps. Everyone should go to these fabulous restaurants; everyone will love these restaurants when they have their first visit. Just look at these mouth-watering steaks and chikens. Please comment wheather you like these restaurants or not. Bye!!!!!!