Friday, March 9, 2012

Bobby Jack is the Best!!!!

Bobby Jack is so cute. I could just eat him up!!! I especially love the picture of him thet says "Nerd". He also is such a cute monkey.He has a clothing line for girls. There's this an especially cute shirt I'm saving to buy. Finally Care Bear Girl got some sense and changed her background to the picture of Bobby Jack Nerd. I'm giving you heads up that I'm changing it to Bobby Jack too. Now I'm going to show some pictures of him !!!! You'll see why I say he's so cute.




Thursday, March 8, 2012

I Love Meg Cabot Books

Meg Cabot books are the best. I already finished two of her series. The first one I finished was the Allie Finkle books. The second one was her Princess Diaries. Now I'm reading a book called "Airhead" about a girl who has a t.v. fall on her and her heart dies, but not her brain. At tthe same time at the same the model Nikki Howard's brain stops, but her heart keeps going. Nikki doesn't suvive, but Emerson( the girl who got hit by the t.v.) survived. She got a brain transplant, so now she must take over Nikki's life. Now don't her books sound exciting. Don't get me started with her Princess Diaries books. It's books about a girl who learns she's the Princess of Genovia( P.O.G. for short) so much drama! I love her books because her books are about girls going through hard time to find their real personalities. I hope most of my girl readers will read at least one book of these drama series. 
                                                 This is Meg Cabot.


Wednesday, March 7, 2012

A Diss to Lil' Mama's Blog

You know Care Bear Girl as on my blog list. Well she changed the title to Lil' Mama. I mean she thinks it's cute but I think it is and sounds ghetto. What other name could, though? Her first blog name for her blog was Care Bear Girl Girl. Girl, care bears are fat and ugly cartoon bears. Now it's Lil' Mama which is so ghetto. Care Bear Girl have you gotten really crazier!?!?!?! I hope that you change to a simpler name in which it has not to include "care bears" or " lil' mamas". Gosh, what is wrong with you Care Bear Girl?????

Friday, March 2, 2012

Radio Rebel Rules!!!!!!!

The movie " Radio Rebel" is one of the best inspirational movies for kids. It's about a girl who's too afraid to speak out. When she's on the radio though, she rocks out! It's just the principal and the means girls holding her back. It's sort of a boring at beginning, but it;s Morp or prom backwards. Then it gets crazy. She reveals a Morp. You'll find out when you watch Radio Rebel.