Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Twin 101

I have a twin named Naomi, so I'm an expert at what I'm talking about.Many people think having a twin is so cool, but they should think again because it's not. Your twin will always try to get you in big trouble. They will also also try to be perfect so people will like them better. Finally, your twin will always try to annoy you a lot.There are also some good things about being a twin! You won't be lonely with your super active twin.Your twin will always play with you(most of the time). If you're an identical twin like the Olsen sisters(above)you will have fun trading spots to confuse people. Finally, your twin will stick up for you most the the time.


  1. I love this pic and being a twin seems so cool this was a really good post I love it it's amazing!!!!!! Great job

  2. I sometimes wished that I had a twin
